April 26 is National Kids & Pets Day, a day dedicated to furthering the magical bond between children and animals and to help bring awareness to the plight of pets in shelters awaiting new homes. National Kids & Pets Day encourages you to ADOPT rather than shop. Millions of orphaned pets sit in shelters awaiting new homes. There are many reasons for a child to have a pet for a companion but one of the biggest reasons is a child that learns how to be compassionate towards pets will most likely be compassionate towards pets and people when they are adults. When children care for a pet, they learn responsibility which is vital for their social development. Children that care for a pet while growing up are more nurturing and compassionate which creates a more dedicated and loving parent and pet owner.
I have had pets, both cats and dogs, my entire life and believe I got my love of animals from my Daddy. That's me in the picture, holding one of the many, many dogs that have crossed my path over the years.