Dog Treat Ingredients

Our dog treats are made with all natural ingredients, absolutely no preservatives or fillers.  We use nothing but the healthiest, good-for-dogs ingredients.

Whole Wheat Flour:  Wheat helps to stimulate liver functions and cleanse toxins from a dog's body.  Whole wheat flour also contains Vitamin B, folic acid, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and other vital minerals.

Rice Flour:  Rice is very gentle on the digestive system of both puppies and adult dogs, and is good for increasing your dog's energy and stamina.  Rice protein has a very favorable amino acid profile, and unlike other naturally occuring proteins, it is almost always completely hypoallergenic.  Rice is highly digestible, and has an extremely low ash content (ash is the legal term for the inorganic mineral content).

Natural Peanut Butter: Loaded with Vitamins A and E, folic acid, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron and fiber. It also contains monounsaturated fats that protect against cardiovascular disease and beta-sitosterol, which has been shown to inhibit cancer growth. Natural peanut butter is also a good source of B3 and Vitamin H. Vitamin H is helpful for dogs with thin or splitting nails and can help to give your dog a great shiny coat.

Carob:  Mother Nature's alternative to chocolate. Carob grows on trees in pod form, but is still classed as a legume. Carob is a natural cocoa substitute for those who cannot eat chocolate, including our four-legged friends. Carob has none of the toxins or caffeine which is most harmful to dogs. Carob  is also virtually fat-free and is a rich source of protein, magnesium, calcium, niacin and Vitamin B2

Carrots: A great source of Vitamin C which is good for your dog's vision, heart, skin and lungs. They are also rich in beta-carotene and are a significant source of soluble fiber and roughage, promoting good intestinal health.

Spinach:  Spinach has one of the highest vitamin E to calorie ratios; so it is a good source of vitamin E and selenium for overweight dogs. Spinach is high in oxalates, so dogs with oxalate crystals should not eat spinach.

Blueberries:  Packed with goodness. They contain fiber, Vitamin K and manganese. They have compounds that reduce stroke damage in dogs and also have the ability to lower cholesterol. This can improve or even reverse the signs and symptoms of heart disease.

Unsalted Sunflower Seeds: Rich in Vitamin E and omega 6 which helps to keep your dog's skin supple, including his or her paw pads. Sunflower seeds are also good for circulation and controlling cholesterol.

Pumpkin: Low in fat and calories, high in fiber, and is also a good source of potassium and beta-carotene and contains Vitamins C and E. In addition, pumpkin is good for your dogs coat and digestive system.

Apples: Loaded with Vitamin C and many other antioxidant compounds. Apples also contain plenty of fiber, helping to reduce cholesterol and regulate bowel movement.

Oats: A good source of dietary fiber and complex carbohydrates. They contain beta-sitosterol, an anti-tumor compound. In addition, oats have iron, manganese, zinc, protein, and the B Vitamins pantothenic acid, B5, Folate, and B9.

Milled Flaxseed: Nutty and crunchy and full of omega 3 fatty acids. These are good for your dog's skin, particularly if he or she is prone to inflammation or dry patches. Omega 3 is also believed to help ease the symptoms of arthritis.

Eggs : A wonderful, all natural source of protein for your dog. They also have Vitamins B12, B6, A, folic acid, calcium, iron, potassium, riboflavin and phosphorus. Eggs are also one of the very few foods that contain Vitamin D.

Honey: Loaded with vitamins and minerals such as B6, copper, calcium, thiamin, iron, riboflavin, magnesium, niacin, manganese, zinc, potassium, and phosphorous. This all natural sweetener is one your dog will love but is also full of compounds your dog needs.

Blackstrap Molasses:  Significantly higher in calcium than regular baking molasses and is a better choice for your dog.

Non-fat dry milk:  Used in our biscuit gourmet treats versus regular or skim milk to be sure we add no more fat from milk.

Canola Oil:  Canola oil is packed with essential fatty acids, making it the richest vegetable-based oil.  Canola oil also helps increase circulation and maintain a healthy immune system.

Liquids for flavor and processing:  Low sodium, fat-free beef broth and chicken broth.
Yogurt coating:  The white "icing" you will find on many gourmet dog treats.